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Praying Sunday Mass as the Most Important Hour in the 168-Hour Week

Are you saying prayers at Mass or are you praying the Mass?

Please join us for this enlightening workshop led by Dr. Paul Ford, which will explore in detail the rituals of Mass and inspire a deeper connection to the liturgy!

Our afternoon will begin at 1:30 p.m. and will end with a special “teaching Mass” (Mass in slow motion) in Serra Chapel. We will learn how the Mass:

. is boring … until it bores through

. changes the past, pierces the present, and secures the future

. changes me and my neighbor into blessed sacraments

. is full of our yeses, including our wantings-to-say-yes

. brings us closer to our beloved dead

. bring us closer to the living

. brings us closer to the universe

Dr. Paul Ford has taught theology and liturgy at St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo since 1988 and is a nationally known speaker and author.

To register, click below.

October 21

Special Celebration for Roy Spicer

November 1

All Saints Day Mass