At St Barbara Parish, we are guided by the teachings of St Francis of Assisi. We are encouraged to live out the Franciscan values of love, compassion, and service. Our reputation as a warm and welcoming community is largely thanks to our dedicated volunteers. There’s a place for you to roll up your sleeves and get involved.
We have 27 ministries and many, many opportunities to serve. Just scroll down to see some of the opportunities to serve in our parish community!
Interested in learning more? Our Volunteer Coordinator will reach out and help you find the perfect fit for your interests, talents, and schedule. Please complete the volunteer application forms below. Submit the forms to the Parish Office or bring them to your volunteer interview.
For more information, email Terry Bascombe at parishoffice@saintbarbaraparish.org.
Altar Server Ministry
The Altar Server ministry provides parishioners with the opportunity to function as lay ministers by assisting the celebrant during Mass and special liturgies throughout the year. Serving at the Altar allows you to experience the Mass in a humble and meaningful way and can help deepen your faith.
Requirements: The Altar Server ministry warmly welcomes Catholic adults and children who are active members of the parish, have received the Sacrament of First Communion, and who demonstrate understanding and reverence for the Mass. Children must be 10 years of age or older.
Time Commitment: Altar servers serve a minimum of twice per month at the Masses of their choice via online sign-up. Training is provided by appointment.
Monthly altar server schedules are posted online through Ministry Scheduler Pro.
Contact: Terry Bascombe (805)682-4151, ext. 102
Email: parishoffice@saintbarbaraparish.org
Ministers of the Word (Lectors)
Lectors bring God’s Word to life at Mass, as they proclaim the Scriptures and lead the Prayers of the Faithful. As a Lector, God speaks through you to the gathered faithful, so the Liturgy of the Word is always treated with reverence and respect. Participants must be fully initiated members of the Catholic faith.
Requirements: The Lector Ministry is the perfect volunteer opportunity for anyone with a talent for public speaking and an appreciation and love for the Scriptures. Effective proclamation involves the delivery of the message with clarity, conviction, and appropriate pace.
Time Commitment: Lectors serve 1-4 times per month at the Masses of your choice via online sign-up. Training is provided by appointment.
Monthly lector schedules are posted online through Ministry Scheduler Pro.
Contact: Terry Bascombe (805)682-4151, ext. 102
Email: parishoffice@saintbarbaraparish.org
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion And Pastoral Care Ministry
The Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion ministry (Eucharistic Ministers) are dedicated to serving Christ by administering Holy Communion to our community at Mass. The Pastoral Care Ministry provides Holy Communion to the sick and home-bound.
Requirements: A Eucharistic Minister must be a confirmed Catholic, at least 16 years old, and living in harmony with the Church’s teachings. There is a diocesan training session once a year, as well as parish training for new Eucharistic Ministers.
Time Commitment: Eucharistic Ministers volunteer 2 - 4 times per month at the Masses of your choice via online sign-up.
Monthly Eucharistic Minister schedules are posted online through Ministry Scheduler Pro.
Contact: Terry Bascombe (805)682-4151, ext. 102
Email: parishoffice@saintbarbaraparish.org
PASTORAL CARE MINISTRY (Communion to the Sick and Homebound)
Contact: Terry Bascombe (805)682-4151, ext. 102
Email: parishoffice@saintbarbaraparish.org
Sacristan Ministry
The Ministry of Sacristans prepares liturgical books, vestments, vessels and other items necessary for the celebration of Mass and oversees the organization and maintenance of the Sacristy. This behind-the-scenes role involves handling all the details so that priests may fully focus on the liturgy and communication of God’s Word.
In conjunction with the Sacristan ministry, our Altar Linen and Ironing Angels assist with the washing and ironing of altar cloths, purificators, albs and other items used in the liturgies on a weekly basis.
Contact: Terry Bascombe (805)682-4151, ext. 102.
Email: parishoffice@saintbarbaraparish.org
Ministers of Environment & Art
The Ministry of Environment and Art is a wonderful opportunity to be part of a team of creative and dedicated individuals who plan and execute the environment in the church for weekend Masses and special liturgies throughout the year. If you enjoy flower arranging and have a talent for church design, we need you!
Contact: Terry Bascombe (805)682-4151, ext. 102
Email: parishoffice@saintbarbaraparish.org
Usher Ministry
Ushers serve a very important role in the church by creating a warm and welcoming environment and setting the tone for every parishioner’s and visitor’s personal experience with the parish.
Requirements: Ushers help to organize the church seating area and must be pleasant, courteous and friendly.
Duties: Ushers stand at the church entryway, greeting parishioners and visitors as they arrive and helping those who need special seating or accommodations. Ushers also distribute bulletins and assist with offertory collection.
Time Commitment: Ushers can volunteer 1 to 4 times per month through online sign-up and are required to arrive 30 minutes prior to the start of Mass, and remain after Mass to help clean up.
Training is required and is scheduled by appointment.
Monthly usher schedules are posted online through Ministry Scheduler Pro.
Contact: Terry Bascombe (805)682-4151, ext. 102
Email: parishoffice@saintbarbaraparish.org
Coffee and Donuts Ministry
One of our most popular ministries is our Coffee and Donuts ministry. Our post-Mass gatherings for coffee and donuts are a great way to meet and get to know fellow parishioners and to welcome guests and new parishioners. This ministry demonstrates our radical Franciscan hospitality!
Requirements: A welcome smile and willingness to serve our parish is all you need!
Time Commitment: Coffee and Donuts ministers have the flexibility to serve 1 -2 Sundays per month after the Mass of your choice. Sign up ahead of time in the weekly e-newsletter. Just before Mass ends, volunteers bring the already prepped carts from the kitchen to the front portico and serve for 15-20 minutes. When finished, volunteers bring the carts back to the kitchen and re-prep them for service after the next Mass.
Contact: Terry Bascombe (805)682-4151, ext. 102
Email: parishoffice@saintbarbaraparish.org
Faith Formation Ministry
Faith Formation focuses on the whole person and aims to provide a spiritual home for life-long faith learning and discipleship in the Franciscan tradition.
Requirements: Willingness to share your faith and be actively engaged in the parish. All Faith Formation volunteers must be VIRTUS-trained and fingerprinted per Archdiocese of Los Angeles mandate.
Volunteer Opportunities
Family Faith Formation: Assist with Sunday Family Liturgy of the Word (F.L.O.W.) and help prepare materials.
Order of Christian Initiation (OCIA): Serve on the catechist team or be a sponsor to journey with those desiring to learn more about becoming Catholic.
Sacramental Preparation: Volunteer as a catechist for Confirmation of First Communion preparation.
Duties: Duties vary depending on ministry involvement. May include planning meetings, facilitating small groups, or presenting. Training will be provided and will be ongoing.
Time Commitment: 2-8 hours of prep time per month, plus attending weekly or monthly meetings.
Contact: Terry Bascombe (805)682-4151, ext. 102
Email: parishoffice@saintbarbaraparish.org
Hospitality Ministry
The mission of our Hospitality ministry is to share a warm welcome with everyone we interact with in our parish community and the community at large. We organize, and provide support and assistance for parish events that promote community building, while demonstrating radical Franciscan hospitality!
Requirements: A desire to serve, availability to participate in event planning, set-up, serving and clean-up. If you enjoy interacting with people and enjoy baking, that’s a bonus!
Time Commitment: Quarterly meetings to plan events. No minimum time requirement – all are welcome!
Contact: Terry Bascombe (805)682-4151, ext. 102
Email: parishoffice@saintbarbaraparish.org
Muscle Ministry
The Muscle Ministry oversees the set-up and take-down of chairs, tents, tables and other necessities for parish outdoor events. If you enjoy being physically active and working with a dedicated team of volunteers to help us prep for outdoor events, this ministry is for you!
Requirements: Physical ability to assist with event set-up, including standing, walking, lifting, carrying, reaching, pushing and pulling.
Time Commitment: 2-4 hours several times a year
Contact: Terry Bascombe (805)682-4151, ext. 102
Email: parishoffice@saintbarbaraparish.org
Green Team
Our Green Team assists the pastor, parish staff, and the parish community in implementing Pope Francis’ encyclical on the environment, “Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home” as an imperative of Franciscan evangelization.
Requirements: The Green Team is open to all parishioners.
Time Commitment: We meet on the first Monday of the month at 1:00 p.m. at the Mission
Resources For Learning & Action:
Laudato Si’: On Care for Our Common Home, Pope Francis’ landmark 2015 encyclical on the environment
“The Letter” Film Documentary featuring Pope Francis and representatives from around the world
The Catholic Climate Covenant, U.S. counterpart to the international Laudato Si’ movement
Contact: Terry Bascombe (805)682-4151, ext. 102
Email: parishoffice@saintbarbaraparish.org
Fr. Virgil Cordano Center Ministry
Fr. Virgil Cordano Center is a collaborative ministry of the Franciscan Friars at Old Mission Santa Barbara and the Daughters of Charity at St. Vincent’s that is rooted in the Gospel and the Social Teachings of the Catholic Church. Faithful to the traditions of St. Francis of Assisi and St. Vincent de Paul, we provide a place of welcome and support for the human and spiritual well-being of our sisters and brothers in need.
Requirements: Fr. Virgil Cordano Center depends on the generous support of our volunteers to live our our mission and fulfill the growing needs of the community. You must be 18 years of age to volunteer and an application must be completed.
Time Commitment: Whether you are looking to volunteer on a regular basis with one of our programs or to help occasionally with a special event, Fr. Virgil Cordano Center offers a variety of volunteer opportunities to meet your time, talents and interests in the following areas: Serving meals, checking in members, assisting with laundry, reheating meals, clean-up, preparing and delivering brown bag lunches to laundromat. We are currently in need of a few generous people who can volunteer specifically on Thursdays and Fridays. Shifts are 8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
To learn more about the Fr. Virgil Cordano Center, click the video link below.
Contact: Debbie McQuade (805)698-1026 or Deborah-mcquade@sv-sb.org
Website: frvirgilcordanocenter.org/volunteer
Outreach Ministries
Detention Ministry
St. Barbara parish volunteers interact with incarcerated inmates to bring a message of God’s unconditional love, compassion and forgiveness to those in detention facilities. Training is provided.
Juvenile Detention Ministry
St. Barbara Parish volunteers interact with troubled juveniles and their families to bring a message of God’s unconditional love, compassion and forgiveness to those in detention facilities. Training is provided.
Transition House
St. Barbara parish volunteers prepare and serve a full dinner to the 60+ residents of Transition House. Transition House provides food, shelter and services to Santa Barbara families who have lost their housing.
Requirements: Ability to commit to your assignment.
Time Commitment: Once a month, volunteers are asked to purchase/prepare portions of the dinner. For example, chicken, rice, salad, bread, cookies. Some of the group will spend time at the house coordinating and serving the meal. We also need volunteers to help prepare sack lunches for the next day. St. Barbara Parish purchases the sack lunch ingredients.
Contact: Terry Bascombe (805)682-4151, ext. 102
Email: parishoffice@saintbarbaraparish.org