A Pinnacle of Grace
My dear sisters and brothers in Christ,
Peace and blessings to you all! “Viva la Fiesta! Viva El Centenario!”
We gather this week of Old Spanish Days, under the mantel of Fiesta, as we commemorate a legendary history that spans a century of 100 years in tradition. This year, and our theme of “Viva El Centenario,” marks a pinnacle of grace that continues to hold us here in Santa Barbara grounded in faith, community, celebration, culture, joy, passion, and love. As we celebrate this week, in gratitude for all that has been held in our history, we also recognize the continuing grace of God given to us today once again, as well, in all the days that lay ahead for us. This is a moment now to stop and ponder, in loving recognition, the enduring and endearing greatness of God and the life, history, and gratitude that we share together as community, in all that we are as members and participants in grace and goodness.
In our Gospel reading today we are reminded about the Kingdom of God that is being likened to one who is sowing good seed in a field, but then another comes along to sow weeds amid the good seed, so as to hinder the good growth that was sown. We all know that good and bad exist oftentimes together side-by-side in many aspects of our living life, and that we are sowers who are given the responsibilities to decipher the goodness that must be sought so as to bring about the harvest of bounty in the realm and the reign of the Kingdom of God.
May the Lord give you peace! Viva la Fiesta! Viva El Centenario!
I am your brother,
Fr. Larry Gosselin, ofm