Abide With Me

Abide with me, fast falls the eventide -

The darkness deepens - Lord, with me abide…

Dear Friend,

The classic Christian hymn sounds yet again in my heart, as I pray with the readings set for proclamation this coming Sunday. The featured players are Samuel and Eli in the first reading, while in the Gospel it’s John the Baptist setting in motion the disciples’ encounter with Jesus that begins (quite typically for John’s Gospel) with a question of Jesus, What are you looking for?, and followed by a question in response, Where are you staying (also translated abiding)?

With the opening of Ordinary Time - including Epiphany and the Baptism of the Lord - there is a strong indication that fundamental to our task as disciples - in the line with ancient prophets - is not saving the world, but rather learning to stay with and abide with the saving and redemptive work of the Triune God revealed in our Lord Jesus Christ. The truth of this direction is reinforced at the end of John’s Gospel when Jesus, after his long unfolding journey, including many more “question and answer sessions”, addresses his disciples at the Last Supper: “If you keep my commandments you will remain (same word: stay, abide) in my love just as I have kept my Father’s commandment and remain (abide, stay) in his love.” (Jn. 15:10)

 It is good to remember that our weekly liturgical processional cross is modelled on the icon before which St. Clare dedicated years of staying and praying as she outlived Francis by 25+ years. This cross invites us into the love of Christ dying and rising. Patience and fortitude are our calling cards, even as strong political and social currents strain to pull us in a very different direction.


Fr. Dan ofm


The Short and Long Story of Discipleship


The Threshold of the House of God