Come to Life
Dear Friend,
Here we are, halfway through summer, just where God wants us to be. At least that’s the way I read it, as the scriptures for this Sunday depict people of faith being right in the middle of a, well, not so much season, but definitely a process - and not just any process, THE process: coming to life in the Spirit.
For Abraham, his new moment brings a new way of being with God - a way of conversation - of prayer, really. It’s a style of lively questioning that will be a model for countless generations of his new tribe to come. Significantly, he questions God about those like himself and his wife Sarah who might be looking for new life while trapped in a sinful city. Is God a God of mercy?
For Paul writing to the Colossians, the invitation is to understand our baptism as the beginning of a journey toward freedom, the freedom to really love, in Christ…no more waiting for a Messiah. The new creation is underway. It might not look like it, but look closer, at the cross…
In Luke’s Gospel the disciples are definitely on the road with Jesus, gaining important lessons about stepping into life with prayer, that is with open hands, ready to receive what God has to offer. And being persistent!
As disciples today, like Paul and Abraham - of all ages and with all our various age-appropriate life challenges - we are being invited into a life that’s new, unfolding, different from before, and therefore a little scary. In the middle of a season of so many unanswered questions - the future of our Church, our nation, and our global family and our common home - we’re invited to come to life through prayer marked by patience, boldness, and utter trust.
Fr. Dan ofm