Cranberry Sauce and Socks

Dear Friend,

Peace and all good and Happy Thanksgiving!  

This Sunday’s reading from St. Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians, couldn’t be more timely as a blessing of thanksgiving and encouragement. In the sentence just before the section we hear proclaimed this weekend, the word “thanksgiving” appears as follows: “What thanksgiving, then, can we render to God for you, for all the joy we feel on your account before our God?” My sentiments exactly, as I write my own letter right now!

In fact, as I trundled out of the office this morning, I was holding two bags, thanksgiving gifts from community members entrusted to me to pass along to others. Terry didn’t know that and playfully inquired if I was leaving town with all my worldly belongings. I lifted the plastic sacks - “Cranberry sauce and socks,” I told her - and she had to laugh.  

What a combination - somewhat comical, I admit - but a good sign of the joy I feel in serving as an ambassador and pastor of St. Barbara parish. Gifts for the table - sweetness of the berries - and down to earth support for brothers and sisters at the Cordano Center, whose lives (and feet!) we are called on by the Lord to care for and tend.  

Some variation of cranberry sauce and crew socks (in an 8-pack) were surely a part of what Paul received from the community at Thessalonica. At the same time, open-hearted generosity and attention (“stand erect and raise your heads,” says Jesus in the Gospel) are signs of those in touch with the spirit of Advent. In the spirit of Thanksgiving and Advent, I echo St. Paul again: “May the Lord make us all increase and abound in love for one another and for all!”


Fr. Dan ofm, Pastor



A Miracle Has Begun


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