Easter Triduum

Dear Friend,

Peace and all good be yours…

with “all good” translating this year as “all so much better” than last year!

With lots of generous help from parish staff and volunteers, preparations for the celebration of the Easter Triduum are nearly complete, and signify a marked contrast from all we were feeling and doing (and not doing) at this time last year. 

The Triduum, of course, refers to the tri-fold celebration that begins on Holy Thursday night, and moves through Good Friday, and culminates in the Easter Vigil - all of which leads to the glorious Easter Day celebrations of Our Lord’s Resurrection. 

Even with our wonderful combination of in-person and livestream liturgies for the Triduum, we are not quite “all completely better,” especially as we see so many still suffering from COVID and from its horrendous aftermath.  

Still and all, with vaccinations increasing, we are seeing a dramatic increase in the number of visitors to the Mission. I don’t think we’re mistaken in our anticipation of a large assembly on Easter Sunday. Again, thanks to many generous hearts and hands, you can expect color, beauty, and the power of the Holy Spirit!

Invite your friends and family – livestream or in person - and especially those who may have been away.   As always, your generosity continues to make all this possible! THANK YOU!


Fr Dan ofm, Pastor

P.S. Just click on the links below to view a three-part video by Father Garret that offers a  great review of TRIDUUM.

Holy Week Video Part 1

Holy Week Video Part 2

Holy Week Video Part 3



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