Gospel Medicine

Dear Friend,

Peace and all good be yours!

We honor St. Francis of Assisi this weekend and acknowledge that, along with his friend, St. Clare, he has entrusted us with a unique legacy that with every passing day seems more appropriate and relevant to our current circumstances. 

The following words of Francis date from the year 1223: “I counsel, admonish and exhort my brothers in the Lord Jesus Christ, that, when they go about the world, they do not quarrel or fight with words, or judge others; rather, let them be meek, peaceful and unassuming, gentle and humble, speaking courteously to everyone, as is becoming.” In our current climate – which some have labeled “a culture of contempt” – these are not easy words to practice. 

The cultural climate shapes us in ways that all of us, I’m sure, are beginning to be aware of as never before. We each have a task of injecting a Gospel medicine (call it a vaccine, if you like) into a surrounding atmosphere poisoned by bitterness, contempt, fear, and anger.

The task of rebuilding our natural environment will also require a change in our attitude. The Gospel this week shows us a vineyard that’s been taken over by workers poisoned by the spirit of domination. The summons St. Francis received to rebuild the church is, I believe, for us today the call to heal “our common home,” our natural environment which is degraded ever more violently each day.

Our call to become more human and humane is fundamental to a great Franciscan project that connects us with the poor, with the earth, and, at this time of year, with our elected leaders who make important choices on our behalf.  May our celebration of St. Francis this year strengthen our commitment and free us to become instruments of justice and healing!


Fr. Dan ofm




The Gift of Bread