Introducing Br. Henri Djojo

Beloved Saint Barbara Parish community,

I, Br. Henri Djojo, OFM, would like to introduce myself as the newest member of Old Mission Santa Barbara. I was born and raised in Indonesia. After leaving my birth country in 1989, I started learning about the hospitality industry in Singapore and Switzerland. My formal education then led me to Boston College, where I focused on Information Systems and Studio Arts, earning a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in 1997. In May 2001, I received a Master's Degree in Architecture from the Rhode Island School of Design. I went on to work as an Architectural Designer in Boston, Singapore, and San Francisco as my passion for hospitality architectural design flourished.

In 2010, while in San Francisco, I briefly encountered the late friar, Richard Purcell, OFM, and revisited my innate desire to join religious life. After an attentive discernment and with a spiritual director's help, I began my initial formation program in 2014 with the Franciscan Friars of the Saint Barbara Province. Over several formation phases, my personal and communal prayer practices have led me to spiritual growth. After several years and living in various communities in the order, I have flourished as a Franciscan brother.

This past May, I completed the Master of Divinity program at the Franciscan School of Theology. Recently, I also took my Solemn Profession on August 21, 2021. Since becoming a friar, it has been my great joy to accompany the Franciscan brothers in the community and the people of God at large. It has also been a blessing to encounter sisters and brothers who have helped to show me the face of God. I hope to grow and walk along with you together in the Franciscan tradition of the Roman Catholic Church.

Your brother in Christ,



Courtesy and Love


The Cross of Love