Living in Goodness and Grace

My dear sisters and brothers in Christ,

Today in our readings we are reminded of how our in our lives, through human experiences of living, we truly can stand so humble and weak as we face the uncertainties that can come upon us. Life and faith are so fragile. And still life is so precious, as we seek to hold onto this path of living in goodness and grace. This is always a great challenge, even in good times; but especially through times of uncertainty and doubt.

Maybe now is a moment for all of us, once again, to be made grateful that we do live by faith, trusting in the providential goodness of God. And yet, we see that when the “slings and arrows of outrageous fortune” strike us, we are humbled, yes, of course; and yes, we can be brought to our knees. Brought low, but not in a paralyzing submission, but brought to our knees in prayerful supplication; so as to then be raised from the ashes that can destroy, into the grace that sustains us. As a people of hope, we are fashioned in faith by what might seem to be able to destroy us, so as to hold on to that which will sustain us and rebuild us into a new creation.

In all that life brings to us, I feel that the readings on Sunday, July 7 speak to us of how we are to view the movement of God in our lives, and respond to it accordingly in a more loving, humble, grateful, and faithful way.

My poem:

The fearless heart  is a creation of light, trembling not in dark.

Life has night shadows, fiery embers fly dark sky.

Without discernible form we stand with mystery of motive.

Is all entirely arbitrary in form?

Yet, we see amazement in radiance.

“For when I am weak, then I am strong.”

I am your brother,

Fr. Larry, O.F.M. 


A New Creation in Christ


Balanced in Christ