Not Being God

Dear Friend,

One of my favorite theology books is called “Doing the Truth in Love – Conversations about God, Relationships and Service” by Michael J. Himes. I go back to it from time to time, and this morning the title of the second chapter just jumped out at me: “Experiencing the Mystery of Not Being God”. It’s a great phrase, isn’t it?

In this week’s reading from Acts, as Cornelius falls at his feet, Peter says, “Get up. I myself am also a human being.” We see God working through these wonderful human beings who manage to humble themselves long enough to get out of the way of the Holy Spirit. With the initiation of the Gentiles, God reminds us that through baptism the mystery of not being God is given depth and joy and is linked to a mission. 

In the second reading and the Gospel we come to a climax in John’s reflection. We hear those simple and profound phrases: God is Love” and “It was not you who chose me, but I who chose you…” It’s God who takes the initiative, a God who is all about loving. Michael Himes puts it this way: “What supports our existence and holds us in being is God’s love. We exist by the fact that God gives God’s self to us at every moment…God loves everything that exists just because it exists. Indeed, that is what makes it exist: God loves it into being.” (p.15)

Even crows? I walked out front and spotted a big one sipping water from the top of the Mission fountain. He looked back at me and said, “It’s interesting being a creature – not being God - you should try it sometime.” He flew off before I could tell him to mind his own business.


Fr. Dan ofm



Still, He Sang


The True Vine