The Face of Love and Welcome

Dear Friend,

This Saturday morning the Parish Pastoral Council and the Finance Council, along with the parish staff, will be gathering for a time of reflection to prepare for the coming year of service. Next month, our parish volunteers will gather for an evening of recognition and appreciation. Both events are signs of how we journey together as a parish and, for me, bring to mind Pope Francis’s insight that a parish must be “capable of self-renewal and constant adaptivity.” (The Joy of the Gospel, #28).

The Pope goes on to say that parishes need to be “nearer to people…and completely mission-oriented.” Of course, here at Mission Santa Barbara we have the blessing of people wanting to be “nearer” to us (or at least nearer to the historic Mission church!). We have the great opportunity to show the face of God -- the face of love, and welcome -- to people who come here from all over the world!

Our parish community has distinctive “contours” – shaped by an Indigenous culture, and its interface with the cultures of Spain, Mexico, and the United States (not to mention the German influence brought by friars in the late 19th century). Our parish proves the truth of Faulkner’s insight: The past is not dead; it’s not even past

This week’s Gospel presents our origins as church, beyond the horizons of Santa Barbara. Our parish grows from the faith of a very bold and very human human, whom Jesus nick-named, “Peter” (rock). Our parish will grow stronger with the living faith of each one of us, whether or not we are volunteers, parish leaders, or visitors from far away. Our willingness to go beyond “the way things have always been done” will be the key that unlocks the future God has in store for us.


Fr. Dan OFM, Pastor 


The Embrace of Divine Love


A House of Prayer for All Peoples