Together On the Journey
Dear Friend,
Peace and all good be yours, as we close out the old and bring in the new (year)!
Last night after dinner I took a walk around the neighborhood in a loop path that brought me down Los Olivos along the northeast side of the Mission church. As I walked toward the rose garden I looked back at the Mission and my eye was drawn immediately to the light beaming out from over the creche - it was the star that Dave Schieffen so cleverly crafted last year and set in place in the pepper tree. And there it was, now fastened to the wooden arch under the palm branch roof directly over the baby Jesus and the holy and dramatic scene unfolding all around him.
I suddenly thought of the magi we hear about in this Sunday’s Gospel. Like them, I was “overjoyed at seeing the star…” Call it my personal epiphany. It was the joy of knowing that I was part of something beautiful right here at the Mission.
You see, the star that Dave created to top the creche is not one light. It is many small lights that together form that brilliant light that caught my eye as I walked. To me, that’s our parish and the community of the Old Mission today: many small and brilliant lights that together form a sign that points the way to love.
I felt comfort and gratitude. There was a lightness in my step. I get to be part of all this. Yes, in the midst of many challenges, shadows, and even fears, I get to be part of the dramatic, humble, and holy drama. Wherever you are reading this, you’re part of it too. I’m glad we’re together on the journey!
Fr. Dan Lackie OFM, Pastor