Trust and Love

Dear Friend,

Lying in bed last night I heard winds thundering through the sacred garden. There was the snap of a palm branch and the sound of the branch hitting the ground. Windows rattled. I’ve never heard a stronger wind. In a flash I thought of the crèche on the front lawn, with our beautiful images of the Holy Family and the Wise Men. I imagined a Wizard of Oz hurricane, and crèche figures flying through the air, crashing to the ground. I couldn’t imagine them holding up through the force of this gale. 

The wind had died down early in the morning and on my way to Mass at the Clares I detoured to survey the damage. There was none. Everyone was upright – Mary, Joseph, et al. - all eyes on the baby Jesus. And I heard a voice from one of the wise men, asking me (without turning his head), what were you looking for?  I didn’t want to admit…

But who could blame me? Seven years ago this week we all witnessed the massive destructive force of fire and debris flow. 23 lives lost, including Dave Cantin and son, Jack. The trauma there is indelible.  

All of these memories and imaginings cropping up as we approach The Baptism of the Lord, the baptism that transforms the chaotic waters of our lives, along with the winds as well, as at Pentecost. The life of Christ Jesus - born among us and risen from the dead – into which we are called, does not eliminate the violence of storms but gives us a way through them. Trust and love; trust and love. Our Christmas season ends as a guiding star becomes a descending dove. In the swirl of unanswered questions, the grace of God has appeared. Let us offer each other the sign of peace.


Father Dan ofm 


The Dwelling Place of the Spirit


The Author of our Lives