Turning Points, Welcomes and Farewells

Dear Friends,

Peace and all good be yours!

This week life in the friary is all about turning points, changes, welcomes, and farewells. I’d like to fill you in…

First, birthdays: Father John (Saturday) and Father Garret (Friday). These wonderful friar priests have brought us great support in the pastoral care of the Mission and Parish, and not just in their preaching and presiding at liturgies.

I am especially grateful to Father Garret for serving as chaplain to the Legion of Mary and for managing the Mass schedule for the friars, and working with Brother Mark to coordinate our ministry with our Poor Clare sisters. Father John, meanwhile, is everywhere these days – filling in, lending a hand – but I’m especially grateful for his continuing leadership in modeling Franciscan service through the newly mobile Cordano Center. Father John, Father Garret, on behalf of the parish and Mission, thank you and Happy Birthday(s)!

Another turning point: Father Franklin will be returning next month to the friars in his native San Francisco. As many of you know, Father Franklin came to us to decompress after retiring as Pastor at St. Boniface in San Francisco. He now feels called to be closer to family. Fortunately, his departure date of November 17 gives us a chance to plan a proper farewell in celebration of his many gifts – gardening, calligraphy, scripture study, and baking!

Finally, we welcome Brother Mark McPherson as a new member of our friary community. Last month at Mission San Luis Rey, Brother Mark made his solemn vows as a friar and now looks forward to serving the parish on his journey toward ordination to the deaconate and eventually to the priesthood. Meet Mark (“Mac”) at Mass this weekend!

To quote St. Paul from his own letter this week: We give thanks to God always for all of you


Fr. Dan, Pastor







The Flowering of Love

