A Season of Dreams

Dear Friend,

Through visions and dreams The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe (commonly known as the Feast of Christ the King) concludes our liturgical year and invites us into a new one. “As the visions during the night continued, I saw one like a Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven…,” writes the prophet Daniel. As with Joseph, the husband of Mary, the darkness of sleep makes a person open and vulnerable to God’s call. In fact, precisely one week before Christmas we’ll hear the Gospel of Matthew: “the angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary your wife into your home…”. (Mt. 1:20). 

On the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe - we see Jesus standing in front of Pontius Pilate, a powerful agent of the King (Jn: 18:33ff.). Pilate has no idea of Daniel’s experience, much less Joseph’s. As presented in John’s Gospel, Pilate is hesitant, questioning, and, as elsewhere in John’s Gospel, a conversation prompted by a serious curiosity allows Jesus to issue an invitation into deeper mystery: “everyone who belongs to the truth listens to my voice…” (18:37).

What better words to signal the season of Advent, a season of dreams, of inner promptings to look and listen attentively to the deeper dimensions of our lives. It is a time to enter silence and darkness. Maybe you’ll have an important dream. Maybe I’ll stop to listen long enough to break a hurriedness that can blind me. Maybe I’ll realize that I’m no longer running the show, and join Mary, humbly saying, many times each day: “Thy will be done.” Who knows, surprises might well ensue…


Father Dan ofm, Pastor 


The Providence of Mary


Bread for the World