Are We There Yet?
Dear Friend,
This week, as I reflect on Jesus calming the storm, what comes to mind are all the volunteers, financial supporters, and faithful parishioners who have helped “calm the storm” of the past 15 months as members of St. Barbara parish. We’ve all been in the same boat - some in prayer, others helping with hands and legs (and backs!), others helping give guidance, others making sure the boat is strong financially, with many busy about more than one of these tasks! What’s dawning on me is that Jesus has been present in so many ways, through the hearts and hands of a community of faith.
We are at a new phase in our re-gathering. But that’s not all: Just at the point when we’ve risen to support our beloved Mission in “Restore and Renew” it’s time for “Together In Mission!” We’ve come this far in faith, together, and we hear Jesus’s summons: “Let us cross to the other side,” to which the little kid inside me wants to respond: Are we there yet?
I have to believe that the power of community – a faith-filled, generous, and loving community, awake and responsive to the storms of life – is central to the message that Jesus Christ wanted to plant in those early disciples and in us, his 21st century disciples. We discover – and rediscover at every Sunday liturgy - that God wants to work through us so we become Christ for others.
I’ve seen it and I’m grateful: we share the burdens of others, give hope, and at times even challenge each other to do the courageous thing! We are not alone – and are not meant to be alone - on this sometimes perilous journey of life.
Fr. Dan ofm, Pastor