Life Fully Revealed

Dear Friend,

We friars lost a dear brother this past week, Father Max Hottle, a California native (b. 1935) who gave much of his friar life and work to the people of the Philippines and then to the Native people of Southern Arizona. Max had a terrific sense of humor (especially attuned to the absurdities of life…) and a very supportive heart, always ready with a word of encouragement.

Looking back, a particularly significant gift that Max gave to me was an early and memorable glimpse of what it looked like to be really happy as a friar. It was the fall of 1984 and nine of us new recruits were sharing a house in Portland, Oregon, under the tutelage of two veteran friars, one of whom, Clifford Herle, was newly returned from 25 years of service in the Philippines. He and Max had been fellow missionaries there.

When Max came home from his own service in the Philippines, one of the first stops he made was Portland, to visit Clifford. Let me tell you, there was laughter, there were stories, all kinds of catching up to do, photos, and more stories. And more laughter – all of which was so good for me – and us - to witness. Here were men with lots of years as friars – with lots of shared experience - and they were thoroughly enjoying each other.

While the Gospel this week is more about healings than reunions – more about the movement from death to life - it is clear that in Jesus, God’s intention for LIFE is fully revealed. Max showed me that a main feature of Franciscan life is, well, life, connection, friendship. Up in Portland back in 1984 I didn’t touch the cloak of Jesus, but there was great power flowing through a pair of brown robes!  Rest in peace, my brother!


 Fr. Dan ofm, Pastor


The Bread of Life


Are We There Yet?